International Collaboration accounts for the articles that have been produced reserchers.
Large scale exploration studies are instrumental in opening up new hydrocarbon provinces through assessing the play potential of unexplored basins in terms of reservoir, seal and source rock presence, and the availability of hydrocarbon charge in relation to structural or stratigraphic trap formation. In mature producing basins new plays can be developed, usually – but not necessarily – within deeper stratigraphic objectives than those producing to date Beyond the initial conceptual stage the development of new exploration play concepts is typically underpinned by the interpretation of regional seismic surveys and basin modeling. This then is followed by more detailed studies usually including 3D seismic interpretation to support license applications. Smaller scale exploration studies address near field exploration potential and in that sense have similarities with appraisal studies. Exploration studies cater for clients.
International Collaboration accounts for the articles that have been produced by researchers from several countries. The chart shows the ratio of a journal’s documents signed by researchers from more than one country.

- Regional studies including seismic interpretation and tectonic settings definition, structural framework, defining stratigraphy and full available data analysis.
- HC habitat/basin analysis
- Detailed prospect identification
- Rapidly defining key risk and upside and downside potential of opportunity, Avoiding unnecessary exposure to risk
- Reduced exploration costs through development of fit for purpose.
- Cross disciplinary expertise – e.g. seismic interpretation, basin modeling, source rock and maturity mapping, sedimentological / provenance studies.
- Exposure to virtually any conceivable hydrocarbon play.
- Full attention to all aspects of the hydrocarbon habitat.
- Consistent approach from conceptual play definition to prospect evaluation Thorough and consistent prospect risking and portfolio analysis.
- Stringent internal QA/QC process.
- Clear and professional documentation.
- License applications.
- Play summary sheets.
- Prospect summary sheets.

- Play fairway analysis and determination of green field potential
- New country and basin entries
- Portfolio diversification
- Acquisitions and divestments
- Valuations for investments and loans